Identify Dangerous Waste

Many businesses are not aware that the waste they produce is dangerous. Some wastes that require special management are lead-acid batteries, oil-based paint, waste oil, restaurant grease, solvents, and medicines. The quantity of dangerous waste you produce does matter and may impact your disposal options. Please contact a Pollution Prevention Specialist for guidance at or (360) 778-7740.

Dangerous waste should be stored in containers with tight fitting lids. They can be stored inside or outside under cover and in a tub or on a spill pallet designed to catch drips. Containers should always be labeled.

More Information

For printed copies of fact sheets and other resources, or for more information, contact or (360) 778-7740.

For business-related stormwater resources, trainings, and more, visit the Washington Stormwater Center.

Green and blue lines creating a circle around the words Pollution Prevention Assistance
