Habitat Restoration Websites

​​​​​​Salmon and Trout

  • StreamNet – Data and maps in support of the region’s Fish and Wildlife Program and other efforts to manage and restore the region’s aquatic resources.  
  • Washington Department of Fish an​d Wildlife – Information about Salmon habitat
  • How to Identify Salmon/Steelhead
  • Your Impact on Salmon/Fish – A Self-Assessment- How do your personal actions, at home, at work or anywhere in your community, affect salmon and your quality of life? This assessment is provided by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
  • Salmo​nScape – Interactive mapping application from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife includes salmon distribution, status, and habitats.

Salmon Recovery

Endangered Species Act

Native Plants and Invasive Species

Water Quality

  • Washington Department of​ Ecology – Information on Ecology’s Water Quality program  
  • Clean Water Act 303(d) List – Washington State’s Water Quality Assessment lists the water quality status for a particular location in one of 5 categories recommended by EPA. Links to TMDLs including Whatcom Creek and lake Whatcom  
  • Environmental Protection Agency water quality monitoring – Our nation’s waters are monitored by state, federal, and local agencies, universities, dischargers, and volunteers. Water quality data are used to characterize waters, identify trends over time, identify emerging problems, determine whether pollution control programs are working, help direct pollution control efforts to where they are most needed, and respond to emergencies such as floods and spills.

Local Wildlife
