Lakeway Drive bikeway study launches March 15

Bicycle Master Plan project to include bike, vehicle count via video camera

March 09, 2016 - by Amy Cloud, Communications and Outreach

In alignment with the Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan, approved by City Council in 2014, Bellingham Public Works will be assessing traffic along Lakeway Drive between Ellis and Woburn Streets beginning Tuesday, March 15.


The six-month study will include temporary installation of video cameras on traffic signal and street light poles to record vehicle counts, as well as counts of pedestrians and bicyclists along the Lakeway Drive traffic corridor. Lakeway Drive provides the most direct and continuous route into downtown Bellingham and I-5 from eastern parts of the City and the Sudden Valley community.


“Bellingham is a very 'livable' city, in part because this community is so visionary about transportation,” said Chris Comeau, Transportation Planner. “The community-created Bicycle Master Plan that we are working to implement calls for a safe, well-connected network linking all areas of Bellingham for bike-riders of all ages and abilities.”


The Lakeway Drive corridor was identified in the Plan as the “highest priority” for further study – and the second highest overall project priority on the list of 185 bicycle improvements citywide. Conducting a count of actual walkers, cyclists and vehicles will help determine the most appropriate bicycle facility or “bikeway” for this route. The study should be complete in September 2016


For more information on this study or the Bicycle Master Plan, please contact Chris Comeau, City of Bellingham Transportation Planner, at (360) 778-7946 or

Media Contact

​Amy Cloud, Communications and Outreach
City of Bellingham - Public Works

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